Category Archives: Blog

Treasures Found Within Very Valuable Viking Hoard Finally Revealed

Around the time the Irish were stamping out the Viking presence in their country, local lore says the Scots and Vikings also fought a battle near Galloway, Scotland. In 2014, a metal detectorist took that legend, swept the area, and discovered a hoard of 100 “strange and wonderful objects” that were about 1,000 years old.

No one knows how the person who buried the hoard came across the spectacular stuff or why it was buried. One can only speculate that perhaps there was a battle, and perhaps the items were buried beforehand or during the course of it in case the one who hid the hoard had to flee.

Conservators are just now releasing images of the Galloway hoard, showing items found in a Carolingian vessel or pot. The pot itself, from Western Europe, is very rare and is one of only six of the type ever found.

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Gorgie Through Time | Headland Archaeology

The historic origins of Edinburgh’s Gorgie are being revealed as Headland’s team digs into the foundations of an industrial mill. The site is being excavated in advance of redevelopment for student accommodation by ‘UK Student Accommodation 1 Limited’ in response to a condition of planning consent by the Edinburgh City Council. – See more at: